Denim & Diamonds

Monday, February 20, 2017

2017 Trivia Night - Denim & Diamonds

St. Peter Trivia Night is an annual fundraising event for St. Peter Catholic Church that includes a delicious dinner, a silent auction, and team trivia focusing on our Catholic Christian Faith.

Saturday, March 18, 2017
6p.m. - 10p.m.

The event is ideal for parish families and groups, young and old. The winning team will receive the admiration of its peers and bragging rights for a whole year!
  • Each team consists of no more than 8 people.
    • Invite new parishioners!
    • Invite friends and families from other parishes!
    • Invite priests and religious - remember max of 2 priests or consecrated religious per team
  • Each team should come up with a distinctive name. 
  • Interested in registering a team? To download a registration form, please click here.

The March 2017 event will be featuring a “Denim and Diamonds – Discovering the Jewels in Our Catholic Faith” theme. The Denim & Diamonds theme allows participants to keep the perfect balance of glitz and comfort in their attire. Men may pair a jacket with their denim. Women are encouraged to wear your most ostentatious jewels and some form of denim. You’re encouraged to get creative!

Tickets include a hearty Italian dinner from Lo Sole Mio Ristorante Italiano and copious desserts. Beer and wine will also be available for a donation. Registration is preferably by team, though individuals may also register and will be coupled with others to form teams. This is a great opportunity to invite a favorite Priest or Sister or maybe someone new to St. Peter Parish.

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